Riding The Valley Of Disappointment

Nandani Gupta
3 min readOct 30, 2023

We all have to go through those initial days where we are really sucking and sulking about something that we are trying for the very first time. Maybe it's a new job you are trying or someone who just started their new blog post or a student who for years of the flaking round is trying to get into a study routine or a new skill that you are trying to learn. The initial days are inevitably hard and painful sitting through those long hours and feeling as if you are going nowhere questioning everything and why you even started or will even make it to the finish line and just feeling like giving up, well that my friend that is THE VALLEY OF DISAPPOINTMENT. We all have been there and not just us every single person that you think has made it has been there, it's a valley that each has to cross, and only those who make a choice to stay and endure the pain can make past that.

You might have started something new, something totally different and I know you will get those days of initial struggle to not just get lost and like back your bags and leave and not bear the feelings of disappointment and discouragement. Remember the only way through is by facing your fears and the pains that the journey brings and no other way, we as humans do everything in our means to avoid the pain even if that pain will liberate us.

James Clear talks about THE VALLEY OF DISAPPOINTMENTS in his book Atomic Habits —

One needs to sustain the valley of disappointment, which is a lengthy phase where you do not see results as expected, where you do not think that it’s not going as per plan, where you think there is something wrong and start doubting your efforts.

And to make a meaningful difference we must persist in this valley of disappointments, we must learn to bear the pain and keep doing what needs to be done. Some chances are given only once in a lifetime a) because time doesn't wait and b) things dont always remain the same, everything is moving. So we must just have to grab on to this opportunity and not just give up so easily.

These valleys will test our limits, we will be stretched in every arena of our life because this is how great human mastery is created by enduring the tests of life and remembering that it is all happening for our own greater good and that nothing better and beautiful in life ever came without the furnace of life-shaping us in our highest self.

There will be days where you will be totally disappointed in yourself and with all the constant rejections and nos that you will face, all those fears that you were so scared to face you will come face to face with them, and my oh my the desire to just quit and go back to your safe place would be so strong huh I can't even tell you, every day it will feel like a stabbing in your chest, but no we dont quit, we know that is the valley of disappointment and those who can stay and bear those pains will only be rewarded.

Why do you think only a bunch of people are happy and successful in their lives? Because they had endured those pains and they are yielding the gains.

So we must learn to surf this valley of disappointment, there is no way out my friends, as it's been well said no pain no gain, and all of these pains is just like mining diamond out of coal through heat.


